Rubby's Senseless Sexy Rage

Rubby's Senseless Sexy Rage

Jun 21, 2024

Rubby just wants connection. The Dominican New Yorker has been making music about queer love and the emotional entanglements that come with desire for a minute now, and his new song and music video, “Senseless Sexy Rage," which premieres today on PAPER, is no different.

“I love how having so much connection in this video turned into my death,” he says. In the video, we see Rubby start the day in bed, headphones in and scrolling on a laptop. He continues to get dressed, make out with fellow hyper-online and plugged-in boys, and get fucked as his eyes turn a robotic, sheer white. “Be careful what you wish for," he tells us when we ask how he wants viewers to feel after they see the video. "Because you just might get it.”

The song itself is a silky, steamy R&B pop number that glides into the atmosphere with the help of Rubby’s serene vocals. Along with the single comes an EP with remixes by Kelman Duran and Estoc, all meant to be an ode to the mixed-up mind games that come with trying to find queer connection on the Grindr grid. “We plug in so deeply in the name of connection, but as a result, we end up further apart from each other than where we started.”

Below, Rubby discusses the inspiration behind “Senseless Sexy Rage” disconnection in the search of connection and even teases what he'll be releasing next.

What inspired the visuals for "Senseless Sexy Rage?"

The inspiration behind the video is the disconnection we feel at this time as queer people in our romantic relationships and in our work. We wanted to create a visual juxtaposition between personal technology and queer sexuality to reflect this kind of tension. We plug in so deeply in the name of connection, even in the name of lust. As a result, we end up further apart from each other than where we started. This plays a big role in queer identity in the digital age.

How did the lyrics and sonics of the track come to you?

The production and writing of the song spanned two years and breakups. I had originally written the song about one relationship, and it didn't feel complete until I got out of the relationship after that one. In some way, I guess the song was waiting for history to repeat itself for that strong sentiment to become clearer as to the type of person I was escaping being.

Breakups can be difficult, and much of this song [is about] the thoughts that went through my head right before the official breakup. The last moments where you pretend everything is okay before you decide for things to evolve. This moment to me was most interesting to capture and encapsulate the essence of the song. "With you, it feels sexy, and without you, it feels senseless since I'm always going through my mind as to why it's not working." This is the rage and fun of the song.

How do you want listeners to feel after they hear the song and see the visuals?

I want listeners to listen to the song and find their own sense of escape from a relationship. I want them to feel the entanglement that felt amazing until it wasn't and also feel the detachment. I want the viewer to fall in love with the colors, touch and kisses in the video. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. I love how having so much connection in this video turned into my death. Less is more, even in love, but we are so hedonistic these days. I'm a fan of letting it all go to shit and seeing what comes of it.

What project are you most excited to share with your fans next?

I'm really excited to be sharing my new track with Jonah Almost titled “Selfish” sometime this summer. It's such a sexy emo club banger for the girls. It's so effervescent, hard New York.

Catch Rubby performing at LadyLand Festival on June 28.

Photo courtesy of Rubby